Winefullness Magazine
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Italian Travels 7
Days 8 & 9 All Roads Lead to Franciacorta
Franciacorte views from the Bellavista winery
I have a chat with Bellavista in the late afternoon, but before this a morning visit to Cremona seems the right thing to do. Perhaps that unassuming second hand violin might turn out to be something of a gem.
It's a nice, compact city, easy to park (thanks to the Telepass toll machine I have in my car) and enjoyable to walk around, despite the ever present heat. It has that successful blend of Italian modern and classical architecture that makes travelling around every corner an adventure for the senses. I promise to return before I've taken more than one hundred steps!
'I promise to return before I've taken more than one hundred steps.'

Searching for my muse in Cremona

Lake Iseo
I head back to the hotel, and after a brief rest, head to the Bellavista vineyard for a brief visit. Here I meet Alessandro (yet another one) who has drawn the short straw when it comes to answering questions he's obviously heard before. Shepherding the both of us about is a young woman from the publicity agency they employ. She watches proceedings carefully, like a member of the viticultural secret police!
We sit in a large atrium and talk, and talk, and I'm enjoying myself but wondering if I will get a tour of this fascinating location with collected works of art and talking points all around.
Sculptures are nestled in rolling landscapes, and angular structures poke through thick clumps of trees in the distance. I actually see Lake Iseo, and realise that nature has built this location for romance and high drama.
The tour, when it comes is brief, as though Alessandro seems protective of the inner workings of the winery and what makes this Franciacorta so sought after.
Soon we're back tasting wines that are as rich as the previous day's were poor. These wines are a joyous expression of what Bellavista represents and what Franciacorta can add to the world of sparkling wine. I would urge you to try a bottle as soon as you've finished reading!
It's enthusiasm in a glass, it's a frothy party, it's layers of interesting terroir, and it's so good that it will make you have the airlines to Italy on speed dial!
I'm sorry to leave, and ponder the various sculptures that line the courtyard of this wonderful place.
'It's enthusiasm in a glass, it's a frothy party, it's layers of interesting terroir..'
There's a giant swing that hints at the playful, and a round metal disc with a small collection of naked people that says so many things to me, but might not be what the artist was actually trying to tell the public. I keep my mouth shut in case embarrassing utterances emerge.
After a brief stop at the hotel, I walk to a local bar for drink and pizza (before you say anything I love pizza).
The locals seem bemused to have an Englishman in their out of the way bar and conversation is attempted.

More art from Bellavista. If you blow up this picture you'll get more than you want!

Art at Bellavista
They seem a fun bunch, and after I finish an average pizza (before this trip I thought there was little variation in what pizza offered, but this trip has revealed so much. Perhaps an article is in the offing) they happily wish me well and I head back to the hotel. No strange shows on TV tonight. Perhaps because it's Monday.
The next day is my last in Italy, and the final day of my adventure. I start it with a visit to the legendary producer, Ca'del Bosco (interview coming up). Their Franciacorta is among the tastiest one can get, and I would urge you to get it as often as you can.
'No strange shows on TV tonight. Perhaps because it's Monday.'

Just when you think that you've discovered your favourite Italian wine region another comes along
The location is once again a delight to inhabit, and works of art exude a wealth of emotions from awe at the opulent gates to smiles when one sees a full-sized rhinoceros hanging from the roof of the tank room, just along from a flowing wave-like sculpture.
The lovely Monica is my guide, and as she takes me on a tour the time passes so quickly as we get along famously and she represents the company so well.
Ca'del Bosco takes so much care over their wines that you feel as though you are walking through a nursery. This is a business where nurture produces wines of distinction, and the production line doesn't seem labour intensive but a hands-off attempt to bring forth every nuance and flavour profile it is possible to bring out of these wines.
After the tour, Monica leads me to a small room where we talk, laugh, taste and laugh some more! The conversation flows as easily as the wine, and I find this is one of my favourite chats.
All too soon I feel it is time to be going. Partly because I have an eight hour drive back to France, and partly because I don't want to outstay my welcome. The people of Franciacorta country have been so welcoming and generous, and I want to be welcomed back!
As I gun the car westwards and think back over this journey, I seem to remember smiling a lot as my mind runs through episodes of an Italian adventure that not even the snaking queues at the Mont Blanc tunnel can bruise; memories of Stefano, Alessandro at Medici, Monica and the flowing landscapes that awaits one in the land of Franciacorta.
Everybody has been so generous with time, wine and hospitality. By 10pm I'm home, the television is on, the kitchen is visited and a bottle of Franciacorta is opened as I stretch my Italian travels for one last time!

Somewhere in this Franciacorte vineyard lies my heart. I'll return one day to try and find it
For More Information
if you'd like to know more, why not contact the following
Franciacorte Travel Guide
Bellavista Wine